Job descriptions


  • Leads the conversation in guilds and boards meetings.
  • Supervises actions of board members and guilds officials and supports them in their work.
  • Is responsible in ensuring the Guild doesn’t break Guild rules or Finnish law in our actions.
  • Keeps in touch with guilds partners in forest industry and in student circles.
  • Reacts to everyday situations and surprising events concerning the guild.
  • Represents the guild in AYYs chairperson committee.
  • Is a member in committee called “Nuorten Forum”, which is a part of Forest Products Engineers.


  • Takes care of the guild’s accounting and take care of the financial statement at the end of the year
  • Makes the guild budget with the board
  • Takes care of the guild’s payment transactions, e.g. pay the bills
  • Maintains list of members in the guild
  • Represents the guild in AYY’s Treasurer committee
  • Leads the guild’s treasury committee, if one has been established for the year

Public Relations Officer

  • Is responsible of the exchange of information between the board and the members of the guild
  • Writes weekly newsletters for the guild and maintains the guild’s email lists
  • Takes good care of and develops the guild’s internet services with www-wizards
  • Writes records of both board’s and guild’s meetings
  • Represents the Guild at AYY’s VTMK

Host & Hostess

  •  Plan and execute the Guild’s events together with PUUha group and the board
  • Take care of the food and refreshments for the events
  • Take care of guildroom’s snacks and drinks
  • Represent the guild in IE committee (committee for hosts and hostesses) of AYY and organizes events with the committee (e.g. Polin Appro)
  • The tasks and responsibilities of host and hostess can be divided quite freely

Study Master

  • Delivers feedback from students to study coordinators about courses, teaching methods and improvements
  • Organizes a summer job event and other events where students get informed about different research groups at the university and the chance to work as a thesis worker or research assistant
  • Works together with the other Heads of studies of CHEM organizing different events, such as professor cafés and master´s sauna
  • Leads the guild´s student committee
  • Participates in meetings related to changes in the courses and study programs
  • Updates the exam archive

International Officer

  • – Integrates new Master’s and exchange students into the guild and into all aspects of Teekkari life
  • Is responsible for the Teekkari education of fuksis starting the fall semester until the possible wappu and of the induction of the next year’s international officer after the board year
  • Along with the other CHEM international officers, is responsible for all matters of international affairs; including organizing
    international tutoring, running CHEM international events and handling communication to international students
  • Ensures Guild events and activities are also suitable for
    international students and are in English when appropriate, including event descriptions
  • Works within AYY’s International Committee to organize international events and affairs for all international students across Aalto

Head of Excursions

  • Maintains and develops guild’s corporate relations
  • Familiarizes the guild members to companies and mills in the field
  • Is responsible of the guild’s excursions and the homeland long excursion
  • Cherishes the excursion traditions of the guild
  • Represents the Forest Products Guild in the AYY’s Corporate Relations Committee


Senior International Officer 

The Senior International Officer is responsible for international students that have begun their studies at Aalto University in the 2020-2021 academic year, and represents them in the International Committee until (the possible) Wappu.

Operational inspector

Operational inspectors inspect the guild’s operations, such as financial statements, and ensure they are correct and in order.


Kutsi is the “unofficial opposition” of the guild, and questions the board at every guild meeting.

Sports Master

Sports master organizes sporting events for members of the guild, in co-operation with the other sports masters from the School of Chemical Engineering.

Chief Editor of Juopuu

The Chief Editor of Juopuu’s job is the preparation and publication of the guild magazine. Juopuu is known for its below-standard quality. The Chief Editor also assembles the secret editorial staff for the magazine.


Songleader’s tasks are to lead the singing in the events of the Guild and take care of the continuity of the guild’s song traditions.


The tasks of the WWW-Wizard are the updating and refining of the guild’s websites. WWW-Wizards are also the technical support of the board.

Study Committee

The Studies Committee is the guild’s statutory committee, which includes a member of the board, usually the head of study affairs, as a chairman. The Study Committee’s task is to support the department’s study counselling, and to take initiatives to develop teaching and studying. For more information, see the “Studies” section.